Sunday, 19 March 2017

Principal Brian Jones Works for Both Gifted and At Risk Students

Principal Brian Jones supports teachers in improving the performance of gifted and at risk students.  Facilitating adult professional development to turn around low performance scores and focus on a united front of achievement is a specialty of PrincipalBrian Jones.  

Saturday, 11 March 2017

Principal Brian Jones Heavily Licensed

As a professional educator and administrator, Principal Brian Jones holds certifications and licensures attesting to his academic abilities.  Jones has a NYS School Leader certification and an Endorsement in Administrator I and II certifications.  Jones has an Advanced Professional Certification in English as a Second Language and an Advanced Professional Certification in English for grades 7 through 12.  Jones’ academic preparation for his career has great depth, starting with his Bachelor of Arts in English as a Second Language and Spanish.  Jones earned his Bachelor’s at the Inter American University of Puerto Rico in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico.  It was in these initial stages of his academic development that Jones became fully bilingual in both Spanish and English, earning his Degree in 2001.

Principal Brian Jones wasted no time upon earning his Bachelor of Arts Degree in 2001, and he embarked upon his Master of Arts in English Literature and Technology at the City University of New York in New York State of the United States.  Jones focused upon a concentration in grades 7 through 12 instruction, earning his Master’s in 2004.  Making a decision to work in school administration, Jones studied for a Master’s of Science Degree in Administration and Supervision with a concentration in school supervision and leadership.

Friday, 3 March 2017

Principal Brian Jones Certified by Puerto Rico Board of Education

Based in Baltimore City, Maryland, Principal Brian Jones has based his academic career on a wide variety of pertinent and valuable skills which have proved irreplaceable in his service toolbox as an educator.  Jones has been certified by the Board of Education of Puerto Rico as an instructor and supervisor of bilingual education, able to actively participate and affect the teaching of both languages through his bilingualism in reading, writing and speaking of English and Spanish.  Jones’ bilingual abilities have become increasingly more important to students in American schools.  Jones was trained in the analysis and use of student and teacher data to inform his decisions about increasing student achievement in his district.  Sponsored by the National Institute for School Leadership (NISL), Jones’ training involved skills of identification for the best instruction for literacy, mathematics and science. 

Jones has regularly facilitated trainings and professional developments from 2008 through today in a variety of important faculty instructional areas, including using state test scores to measure student gains, writing instructional objectives, managing at risk youth and differentiating instruction among others.